For our feauture a knob of earth left behind from a water
line repair was chosen. Here you see the knob "hollowed
out" and the excess soil piled up to form the sides of what
will become the upper section of our water feature. |
Here you see all the major components of the full feature
in progress. Care is already being taken at the poin to make
sure that all containing sides are level. |
Another view with a little more progress made on the digging.
This is the stage where you'd want to start measuring the depth
of the pond. |
Here you see a closer view of the stream and the opening
that was left in the top section for the future waterfall. Level
is important across the top of the waterfall! There's still plenty
of work to be done but care at this stage will save a lot of
"fix it's" later! |
An overview of the project in progress.... |
An overview of the lower section showing the stream entry
point that has yet to be dug at this point. Here, just as with
the waterfall level between opposing sides is critical and checking
level along the way will save work later! |