Funke's presents

Easy Gardening

A "How To" guide for the lazy gardener :)

Page 3

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Front bed by main driveway entrance

 This was the prototype for the easygarden technique. Pine "fines" were used as a top dress. An assortment of perennials and a handfull of annuals grace this bed. The purple fountain grass was never even watered in!!  

 This is the same bed, three weeks later, 95 degree heat, full sun, one gulley washer from nature & no help from the gardener whatsoever!

This bed was done with the fine grade of pine. Down south they call it "pine fines". If you ever hear that term this is what they're talking about :)


closeup of lirope roots in one of the parking lot beds

Roots happy, tops happy, or for the philosopher...

"Grow the roots, the tops will follow, grow the soul or the body is hollow" :)

As you can see this variegated lirope has very happy roots, and look at that moisture after 5 days of hot sun since the last rain!!

The mulch is this picture taken in July of 2005 was laid in March of 2003!


Vegetable garden

This is my "kitchen" garden.

That very happy Black russian tomato wasn't even watered when I planted it :)



A front view of the same bed. None of the plants were watered or have needed water other than rainfall. You know, this professional gardener doesn't even have a garden hose at home.. I don't need one!!  

 Same bed, three weeks later, the aforementioned gulleywasher from nature, 95 degree heat, & no help from the gardener, other than to pick those delicious Black russian tomatoes for some dandy fried green!

This bed also uses the "pine fines" at a depth of about 4" atop improved clay soil. The mulch you see in this picture is well over a year old!



Another shot of my kitchen garden. The one thing I did water in were the little habenero and carribean red peppers. It was very hot & had been dry for over two weeks so I did put about 4 oz of water per plant when I stuck these in. Of course just like all of the other beds this is "not tool" gardening. As quick as I could push my hand into the soil and pop in the plants I was done :)  

 Still need proof that this system works??

Here's the same bed, three weeks later, the same conditions as were mentioned in the previous shot.

How's this for gardens that grow themselves eh??

It really doesn't get any easier than this! Let us show you how to take the work from the garden and keep the fun in it!

Yes, we really do try our best to keep the "Fun" in Funke's and your gardens :)


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